Produced by Cahoots NI
From Belfast, Northern Ireland

About the Company
A lot has happened since we last saw Danny Carmo and his magical math skills–he's toured all over the world and he even became a Professor at the University of Wonder & Imagination! It's hard to believe that he used to think that school and, in particular, math wasn’t for him. He was more interested in dreaming about a future on the stage and perhaps the big screen – all he ever wanted to be was a famous magician. But when he knuckled down to learn all the tricks of the trade he realized that math was not only essential… it was the SECRET to a whole load of magic.
Cahoots NI’s much-loved production returns to North America, featuring the thrilling tricks and mind blowing mathemagic. Prepare to be amazed, dazzled and bewildered by this spectacular show where math, theatre and digital technology collide to create a fun and interactive performance proving that understanding math can be fun!
“The pupils were mesmerized. Not only do they want to know how to do the magic tricks, they want to know how the maths works. Success! A fantastic addition to the school’s maths programme.” 3rd Grade School Teacher
Best for Grades: 2nd-6th
Audience Size: Medium to Large Venues
This tour is supported by Culture Ireland.

Please contact us to watch an archival full length recording.
Sample Study Guides
An electronic version of the accompanying Show Booklet is available here.
The company has created an electronic Teacher's Guide to accompany the booklet.
Curriculum Connections
Fine Arts: Performance, Magic
Language Arts and Literacy
Mathematics and Numeracy: estimation and calculation, multiplication, division, subtraction, addition, and probability
Character Building: Personal Development, Problem Solving, and Mutual Understanding
Minimum Technical Requirements
Load In Time: 4 hours
Crew Needs: 2 crew members
Min. Stage Size: 27’w x 27’d x 16’ h (can be adapted slightly for both smaller and larger spaces)
Sound Needs: All sound is on Mac Q Lab with 2 speakers for front and 2 placed behind audience for surround sound effect. Our ASM operates from behind blacks USC
Load Out Time: 1-2 hours
Outreach and Workshops
Mathematical MysteriesWorkshop
This fun and interactive workshop gives participants the opportunity to learn some spellbinding magic up close and personal with Cahoots NI’s very own Math-a-magician Danny Carmo. Learn the secrets behind the show and put your math to the test! Suitable for age 8 +
Workshop Facilitators: Caolan McBride and Nicola McBride-two of Northern Ireland’s leading professional magicians with 20 years of experience performing and teaching magic for stage and screen.
Maximum number of participants: 30
Duration : 1 hour
“Relaxed” or “Sensory Friendly” Performances
This performance is also available as a “sensory friendly” or “relaxed” performance if arranged with the company in advance and with specific direction as to what adjustments are necessary for your venue.
Artistic Team
Writer/Director: Paul Mc Eneaney
Musical Director: Garth McConaghie
Cast: Caolan McBride & Nicola McBride
Critical Acclaim
Lights! Camera! Math! was one of our favorite shows ever. The children just loved it and we had a packed house… It was a great event and we had 969 children in attendance. I do love this company.
- Lillian Harder, presenter - Robert Howell Brooks Center, Clemson, SC.
The pupils were mesmerized. Not only do they want to know how to do the magic tricks, they want to know how the maths works. Success! A fantastic addition to the school’s maths programme.”
- 3rd Grade School Teacher
Many of the activities consolidated work across this year, such as Magic Squares. It has encouraged them to use their thinking skills in problem solving investigations. It has made maths fun!
- St. Colmcilles School 3rd Grade Teacher
Pupils comments, ‘It was a nail-biting, heart pumping, feet stamping show’, ‘It was brilliant because it combined maths and magic and was really amazing.
- Harberton Special School 3rd Grade Teacher
The content was very relevant to the curriculum and great to see maths presented in such an innovative and exciting way.
- Harberton Special School 3rd Grade Teacher
Company Background
Past Tours: Shh! We Have a Plan, Egg and Lights! Camera! Math!
Cahoots NI is at the forefront of Northern Irish theatre and is the leading professional theatre company producing work for children.
Since beginning operations in November 2001, Cahoots NI has produced original, boldly innovative work for children, some staged in conventional theatre venues and some in purpose-designed sites or specific locations, including schools and healthcare settings. Its work concentrates on combining the visual potential of theatre with the age-old popularity of magic and illusion.
For more information, please visit the company’s website: http://www.cahootsni.com
Gallery of Past Productions